poster for WLMP Trauma Informed Lawyering with Dr Pavna K Sodhi

Trauma-informed Approaches for Current and Future Lawyers with Dr. Pavna K. Sodhi

Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) presents: Trauma-informed Approaches for Current and Future Lawyers with Dr. Pavna K. Sodhi
During this WLMP webinar, Dr. Pavna K. Sodhi will discuss various therapeutic and decolonized approaches to supporting clients who have experienced trauma. Dr. Sodhi will provide an understanding of what trauma is, how trauma manifests, therapeutic processes to overcoming trauma, and trauma-informed and culturally responsive approaches legal professionals, no matter where they are in their legal career, can integrate into their practice.
This online event is open to all WLMP members. You must be a member to attend, and identity and membership verification will occur during registration.

Poster for Women's Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) and Women in Canadian Criminal Defence speed mentoring event

It’s not criminal to ask questions

It’s not criminal to ask questions.
Got questions about working in Canadian criminal defence law? Wondering what the life of a criminal defence lawyer looks like?
Then sign up for the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program’s (WLMP) and Women in Canadian Criminal Defence’s (WiCCD) Virtual Speed Mentoring on Thursday, November 10, 2022.

Blog graphic for WLMP's Successful Summaries 101 for Law Students

WLMP’s Successful Summaries 101 for Law Students Webinar

Women’s Legal Mentorship Program’s (WLMP) is hosting a skills based panel event focused on effectively summarizing information is a critical legal skill for law students, articling students and lawyers.WLMP’s Successful Summaries 101 for Law Students panel event is happening on Tuesday October 18, 2022 at 3:30PM PST/6:30PM EST.

Lead the Change – Join the WLMP’s National Student Leadership Circle

Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) understands that not everyone has the same access to student leadership opportunities. Plus, it can be hard to balance your desire to make a difference and your busy law school life.

That’s why the WLMP offers national student leadership opportunities that allow you to lead the change from where you are. Whether at home or in your law school. Then consider applying for our two new WLMP’s National Student Leadership positions.

graphic of Women's Legal Mentorship Program's jobs board being updated

New Law Jobs Posts Are Up!

New Jobs Posts Are Up!
That’s right we have new law job postings that include posting with Justice Canada, CBC and boutique law firms.

Photo of WLMP Member and Legal Mentor, Prudence Tsui.

WLMP Member Spotlight: Prudence Tsui

Meet WLMP Member and Legal Mentor — Prudence Tsui. Prudence was called to the Bar of Ontario in 2016 and specializes in Intellectual Property and Commercial Law. She is currently working as an in-house counsel. Prudence is thrilled to share that she recently launched Equilawbrium ( – an online platform for legal professionals to find their equilibrium as working parents with young kids.

poster for the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program International Women’s Day networking event

Come Celebrate International Women’s Day With the WLMP on March 8th!

Come Celebrate International Women’s Day With the WLMP on March 8th!

Join the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program as we celebrate International Women’s Day with a networking event open to all WLMP members!

It’s an exciting opportunity for WLMP law students and lawyers from across Canada to connect in a casual setting and a safe space to discuss diverse topics, such as law school tips, job recruits, practice areas and networking advice.

WLMP Update Regarding Covid-19. Read More