WLMP’s Successful Summaries 101 for Law Students Webinar

The Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) is hosting an online skills based webinar focused on effectively summarizing legal information. Figuring out what makes a successful legal summary is both a challenging and a critical legal skill. Event attendees can learn more about creating successful summaries and how to use them for law school assignments, papers and final exams during this WLMP webinar.

Join Sara Little, founder of Little Legal Summaries and Toronto based criminal defence lawyer at Brauti Thorning LLP, will share her expertise and tips on drafting case summaries.

Also joining Sara Little are Yara Nijm, who is a 2L law student enrolled at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at University of British Columbia & Oksana Romanov who is a 3L law student enrolled at Lincoln Alexander School of Law at Toronto Metropolitan University.

WLMP’s Successful Summaries 101 for Law Students Webinar

This is a WLMP accredited event applicable to the WLMP Peer Leadership Certificate™.

WLMP's Successful Summaries 101 for Law Students Webinar.

WLMP Update Regarding Covid-19. Read More