Plant in dirt in hand

We’re Growing! Join the WLMP Leadership & Equity Advisory Group

If you’re interested in helping shape the WLMP’s national mentoring programming, then consider joining the WLMP Leadership & Equity Advisor Group. We’re looking for female lawyers from across Canada interested in growing the WLMP Leadership & Equity Advisory Group!

Grateful To Our WLMP Mentors

**français à suivre** The images of what happened at the US Capitol Building are triggering. Especially for racialized peoples who see the inequity of the treatment of Black Lives Matters, BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+ and Womxn protestors legally advocating for their…   Read more

Women’s Legal Mentorship Program in the News

We’re thrilled that the Law Times reported on the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) launch of our free virtual legal mentoring community for self-identifying women law students. To read read the Law Times article, click here. Stay tuned for…   Read more

WLMP Update Regarding Covid-19. Read More