The Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) National Student Program Leaders Circle is comprised of strong talented feminist leaders and future legal leaders.
They are leaders who are passionate and focused on creating lasting change in their communities and the broader Canadian legal community.
All WLMP National Program Team Leads not only take part in the strategic planning at the WLMP’s National Student Program level, but also devise a two year plan and guide the work of their committee of volunteers.
As the Student-Lawyer Mentoring Team Lead for the WLMP National Student Program, Mallory works with the entire WLMP National Student Program’s Leadership Circle to expand the WLMP’s student-lawyer mentoring options. She also works with the WLMP National provides input and guidance on the WLMP matching process.
Before starting law school in Fall 2020 at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Mallory completed her Bachelor of Arts in Criminology at Carleton University.
She also received a Master of Arts in Security and Defence Management and Policy from the Royal Military College of Canada. Mallory is passionate about advocacy and equity.
At Lakehead University, she is a member of both the Women in Law Society and the Oral Advocacy Club. As well, Mallory serves as an executive member of the Student Legal Innovation Association. When she’s not busy with her legal studies, Mallory enjoys hiking and yoga.
Why do you feel there is a need for a National Women’s Legal Mentorship Program?
There is a need for a National Women’s Legal Mentorship Program because comradery and collaboration are vital to ensuring our voices are heard and our ambitions are nourished.
Mallory is happy to speak to lawyers, law firms or at law association events to discuss the WLMP student- lawyer mentoring.
With hundreds of self-identifying female WLMP student members who are diverse in their interests and backgrounds, we are always looking for more WLMP legal mentors. You can connect with her by emailing: NatlStudent@wlmp-pmdf.ca