Come Celebrate International Women’s Day With the WLMP on March 8th!

poster for the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program International Women’s Day  networking event
Join the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program as we celebrate International Women’s Day with a networking event open to all WLMP members!

Join the Women’s Legal Mentorship Program  as we celebrate International Women’s Day with a networking event open to all WLMP members! 

It’s an exciting opportunity for WLMP law students and lawyers from across Canada to connect in a casual setting and a safe space to discuss diverse topics, such as law school tips, job recruits, practice areas and networking advice. 

Bring a beverage of your choice, celebrate International Women’s Day and expand your network in a relaxed setting!

March 8, 2022 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (EST).

Spots are limited and registration is required.

Register through our Eventbrite:

WLMP Update Regarding Covid-19. Read More