Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP) Local Legal Leaders Volunteer Committee Opportunities
Interested in creating a positive braver national space for self-identifying Canadian women in law through integrative mentorship, equity and leadership in your region?

Do you have….
- Strong organization and planning skills.
- A love of connecting people within your law school and legal community.
- An interest in further developing your public speaking skills.
- Executive student leadership experience or a strong desire to develop student executive leadership skills.
- Enjoy facilitating and hosting both virtual and hybrid events.
Then check out the WLMP’s Local Legal Leaders Committee
- Average Volunteer Time Commitment: 2 – 5 hours a week. This is a low to medium time commitment.
- No WLMP volunteer work is done during the exam periods.
- All our WLMP Local Legal Leaders meetings happen in a virtual environment.
- Make sure you are registered as a WLMP law student member (membership is free).
- Deadline for applications is Thursday, October 20th at 11:59 PM EST.
There Are 3 Steps for Applying to be a WLMP Local Legal Leaders in Your Region.
STEP 1. Complete and submit this application form by clicking here.
STEP 2. Submit the following by the deadline date:
- Your Resume/CV; and,
- Covering letter outlining why you are applying to the WLMP Local Legal Leaders Committee and what actions you want to undertake as a WLMP Local Legal Leader team member.
- Your cover letter should outline why you are applying for to be a part of the WLMP Local Legal Leader Committee and what specifically you would like to accomplish as part of this committee.
- Email your cover letter and resume/CV with subject line: <Local Legal Leaders Committee> to: NatlStudent@wlmp-pmdf.ca
STEP 3. Provide 2 current references with their correct contact information.
Deadline for applications is Thursday, October 20th at 11:59 PM EST.
Remember to volunteer with the WLMP National Student Program Committee, you should:
- Be interested in creating a positive braver space for self-identifying Canadian women in law through integrative mentorship, equity and leadership.
- Currently be enrolled in a program at a law school in Canada;
- Registered as a WLMP law student member (membership is free);
- Open to working with NSP program leaders and volunteers from different law schools and backgrounds;
- Comfortable with connecting in a virtual meeting environment; and,
- Enjoy working with a team spread out across Canada focused on serving the WLMP Mentoring Community and creating change within the legal profession.
The WLMP is focused on dismantling systemic barriers facing self-identifying women in the law, non-binary, gender nonconforming (which includes LGTBQI2S+ and BIPOC self-identified womxn), within the Canadian legal profession through integrative intersection feminist mentorship, equity and leadership.